Start Your Training Journey


Start Your Training Journey

The Foundation Program is the starting point for all JB tribe members. In this program we: asses your movement, address deficiencies, and teach you the basic exercises used in our classes. We see this as the only responsible way to introduce a new member into our classes, ensuring your long term success and safety.

beginners personal training
beginners gym fundamentals program
start gym training


What should a beginner do at the gym?

A beginner should seek the advice of a good coach and have them assist in their introduction to training. Amazing things can be achieved in the gym when the right process is followed. Similarly, a lot of time can be wasted when trying to figure out what to do, which is why engaging a professional to assist is the best advice we can give. We make sure to take time with all new members in our gym, whether they have training experience or not. We want to ensure they are aware of their mechanics, limitations, and can execute movements safely. Once this foundation is established, it's easy to start making rapid progress. 

How many days should I go to the gym?

We recommend a base of 3 training sessions per week. This is generallty enough to make progress in strength, mobility, fitness and weight loss, while also fitting in with a busy schedule. Of course for people with more time to train and who have loftier goals, extra training is perfectly suitable.

How should a beginner start weight training?

A beginner should start weight training by working on the fundamental weightlifting patterns. The squat, deadlift, press and row are a great place to start. These movement patterns are simple enough to learn, and also form the basis of many more complex weightlifting patterns (like cleans and snatches). When done well, these movements will stimulate muscle growth and joint stability throughout the entire body and provide a foundation for other style of training.

What is the best gym routine for weight loss?

The best gym routine for weight loss is the routine you can maintain. It's not about specific exercises, or heart rates monitors, or equipment - it's about developing a sustainable habit and then practicing that habit for a long duration of time. Weight loss also requires a healthy diet and adequate sleep. When training, diet and sleep are all done well over a long period of time, losing weight is guaranteed.

What are the benefits of movement training?

Movement training develops a vast array of physical attributes - from strength and mobility, to balance, coordination and rhythm. In this way, it's an extremely well rounded approach to developing physical ability and overall fitness. For many people it introduces concepts to their training that are not considered in conventional training systems.