meet the team
Sydney's Best Coaches
Diverse, hand-picked and extremely well-qualified. Our coaches are the gold standard in their respective fields.
From Ido Portal Movement specialists, to BJJ black belts, to Calisthenics and mobility experts - our gym is home to a wide range of coaches who each possess their own finely tuned skill sets.

Ricardo Scheihing
Coach / Personal Trainer

Prices for personal trainers vary from gym to gym, however in general you can expect to pay between $80-150 per hour depending on level of experience and availability. Like with any good coach you shouldn't be guided so much by the price of the service, but rather what the actual service is and if you think they're a good fit for you. Any coach worth their weight should provide you a free intro consult either over the phone or in person. In that consult you should be able to get a good feel as to whether they're the right coach for you. At Jungle Brothers we pride ourselves on matching our customers with the right coach for them. One of the benefits of having a diverse range of coaches is that it allows us to find the coach that best suits the individual.
Personal trainers are most definitely worth the money if you're getting what you need out of the session. You need to be clear on why you're going to a PT (accountability, assistance, support, finely tuned coaching etc) and evaluate the return on your investment based on that result. If you're not getting what you need from the session then we'd say it's not worth the money. This doesn't always mean it was because the coach did a bad job - it could just mean they were just not the right coach for you. Take your time when finding yourself a PT to discuss with them what you want and need. Then give yourself a few sessions to test the water before jumping in and committing to a long engagement with them. Once you find a good one, keep seeing them.
Choosing the right PT is much like choosing the right gym. The first thing you want to know is if they can provide what you are after - do they have the necessary skills and qualifications? Have they coached other people through a similar process before? Do they instill you with confidence? The secondary thing to consider is if their personality is right for you. It's really important that you enjoy being with your PT as you will be spending time working together closely. The best way to gauge this is to sit with them for a chat before committing to any training and ask the relevant questions. Make sure to be up front with what you want and what your expectations are
How often you train with a PT is a question of what you need from them. For some people, they use a PT to provide them with the highest level of accountability. If this is what you're after then you should expect to train with your PT at least every week, if not multiple times per week. For others, a PT is there to guide their training and give that extra little bit of help with things that are being worked on outside of the PT session. In this case you should expect to train with your PT anywhere between once a week to once a fortnight or even month.
Before asking this question we must first clarify what 'getting in shape' actually means. For some it may mean dropping a few kilograms of body fat and increasing energy. For others it may imply a total body transformation. Depending on what your idea of getting into shape is, it will take some time. This we know. What can be achieved in 3 months? Quite a lot. A consistent, focused 12 weeks of training combined with a good diet and adequate rest will produce excellent results in terms of body composition. You will be able to lose a considerable amount of body fat and increase muscle over this relatively short period of time. Some of the other aspects of 'getting in shape' like increasing mobility, improving overall strength, and developing high skill movement ability (like handstand, muscle ups etc) will take more time. For this reason it is important to consider the training process over a longer time frame. Fast fixes may bring about quick results, but they're quickly lost. Instead focus on a long term, sustainable approach, and reap the rewards for life.